The Magazine for

Daily Motivation
SOULED Out Magazine is designed for the MODERN CHRISTIAN FAMILY. Since the beginning God had great plans for the FAMILY. The bible clearly points out that Man was born with authority to rule and govern under God’s laws.
God blessed them and said to them “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1:28
Today’s modern family endures far too many challenges. Our society has shifted to a moral decline and Christian values have been forgotten, ignored or deserted. Man has over the years asserted his own authority and ignored the instructions of the bible. We see the decline of the family with the number of broken marriages, broken people and a broken society at large. Over decades we have tried living by our own rule books and have failed dismally. Our society today is perverse, corrupt and loosed moral. We need to go back to the basics – God’s instruction -the Holy Bible.
SOULED Out is an extension of
Woman Of Faith Magazine.
Founded by Liz Naidoo, SOULED Out is a free bi-monthly global Christian publication designed for the modern Christian Family. The Family is a foundation instituted by God through marriage and consists of persons related either by blood or by adoption. Families are important to God, it was His plan for mankind and it is the basis of which love is founded and God is Love. We aim to bring you stories and articles that are authentic and teachable. Our global writers are men and women who are knowledgeable and experienced on the WORD of God and well informed on the requirements of today’s modern society.
Recent headlines all across the world are alarming!
- UN warns: Drought likely to push parts of Somalia in to famine by end of the year. 5th Sep 2022
- Pedestrian Killed by runaway truck on the bluff, Durban 6th September 2022
- Doctor Charged for Raping Patients. 5th September 2022
- Canada mass stabbing: 10 killed. 6th September 2022
- Pakistan – unprecedented floods have effected 33 million people, killing at least 1325 including 466 children. 6th September 2022
- Ukraine War: Russia buying rockets and artillery shells from North Korea, US intelligence says. 6th September 2022
- South African economy shrank in second quarter, hit by KZN flood and load shedding. 6th September 2022
- Uncertainty and anxiety breaks out across China as the country battles a new wave of Coronavirus outbreak. Nearly every province has recorded infections in recent days, leaving some 60 Million residents in lockdown!
It is time to seek the Lord. Isaiah 55:6
Most Christians today have neglected the principals of God’s holy Word, the Bible. Our faith and values have declined over the years. Sadly, its only when we face personal calamities that many have a need to seek God. Why has it become so difficult give to God our time and to have fellowship and communion with Him?
Our Statement
SOULED Out is an extension of Woman of Faith Magazine and is founded by Liz Naidoo, from Durban South Africa. A non-denominational Christian publication, we believe in the Triune God; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three divine persons, in One God. We will not compromise our standards for this publication which is founded on God’s Word, the Holy Bible.
Our Magazine is an independent body; we rely on the sale of adverts and gifts from sponsors to help make this publication freely available to the global public. Our members are not ordained ministers, but women in secular fields who alone are accountable to God.
We lead by example and through the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and through His Word.
Our mission is to make Christ the centre of every Christian family so that they can grow and be nurtured by the Word of God. The family is the heart of God, the bible from Genesis to Revelation is about God’s unwavering love for Man and for family. The duty of every parent is not just to provide the material needs of children but also their spiritual needs. Teaching and nurturing children to grow in love, kindness, obedience and discipline is vital for the structure of a future adult to be able to perform at his or her best in society.

Meet the Team

Liz Naidoo
Founder and Editor
Durban, South Africa
Liz is also the founder and Editor for Woman of Faith Magazine since 2014.

Heidi Gibson
Assistant Editor
Durban, South Africa

Carmel Murugen

Regular Writer/Content Contributor
Durban, South Africa
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Woman of Faith Publications
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